Pré-publications ARXIV

Maximal torus theory for compact quantum groups

by Teodor Banica  Issan Patri

Categorical actions on unipotent representations of finite classical groups

by Olivier Dudas  Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

Flat matrix models for quantum permutation groups

by Teodor Banica  Ion Nechita

The Riemann-Hilbert mapping for $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ -systems over genus two curves

by Gabriel Calsamiglia  Bertrand Deroin  Viktoria Heu  Frank Loray

Hadamard states for the Klein-Gordon equation on Lorentzian manifolds of bounded geometry

by Christian Gérard  Omar Oulghazi  Michal Wrochna

Quantum isometries, noncommutative spheres, and related integrals

by Teodor Banica

Scattering profile for global solutions of the energy-critical wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

Soliton resolution along a sequence of times for the focusing energy critical wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Hao Jia  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

Quantum fields from global propagators on asymptotically Minkowski and extended de Sitter spacetimes

by András Vasy  Michał Wrochna

Categorical representations, KLR algebras and Koszul duality

by Ruslan Maksimau

Crystalline conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples

by Laurent Bruneau  Yoram Last  Vojkan Jaksic  Claude-Alain Pillet

A transfer principle: from periods to isoperiodic foliations

by Gabriel Calsamiglia  Bertrand Deroin  Stefano Francaviglia

Concentration-compactness and universal profiles for the non-radial energy critical wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

Categorical actions on unipotent representations I. Finite unitary groups

by Olivier Dudas  Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

Entropic fluctuations in Gaussian dynamical systems

by Vojkan Jaksic  Claude-Alain Pillet  Armen Shirikyan

Asymptotic behaviors for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions associated to Stokes operator in the presence of small boundary perturbations

by Christian Daveau  Abdessatar Khelifi

Mean field approximation of many-body quantum dynamics for Bosons in a discrete numerical model

by Boris Pawilowski

Uniqueness results for noncommutative spheres and projective spaces

by Teodor Banica  Szabolcs Meszaros

A posteriori error estimates for discontinuous Galerkin method to the elasticity problem

by Thi Hong Cam Luong  Christian Daveau

On Factorization of Molecular Wavefunctions

by Thierry Jecko  Brian T. Sutcliffe  R. Guy Woolley

Liberation theory for noncommutative homogeneous spaces

by Teodor Banica

Quantum Ergodicity and Averaging Operators on the Sphere

by Shimon Brooks  Etienne Le Masson  Elon Lindenstrauss

Half-liberated manifolds, and their quantum isometries

by Teodor Banica

Conductance and absolutely continuous spectrum of 1D samples

by Laurent Bruneau  Vojkan Jakšić  Yoram Last  Claude-Alain Pillet

Global existence for solutions of the focusing wave equation with the compactness property

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

Tunable Circularly Polarized Terahertz Radiation from Magnetized Gas Plasma

by W. -M. Wang  P. Gibbon  Z. -M. Sheng  Y. -T. Li

Improved Regularity in Bumpy Lipschitz Domains

by Carlos Kenig  Christophe Prange

Construction of multi-solitons for the energy-critical wave equation in dimension 5

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

A duality principle for noncommutative cubes and spheres

by Teodor Banica

Codimension one threshold manifold for the critical gKdV equation

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle  Kenji Nakanishi  Pierre Raphael

Quantum isometries of noncommutative polygonal spheres

by Teodor Banica

Liberations and twists of real and complex spheres

by Teodor Banica

Global weak solutions to the inviscid 3D Quasi-Geostrophic equation

by Marjolaine Puel  Alexis F. Vasseur

Near soliton dynamics and singularity formation for $L^2$ critical problems

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael  Jeremie Szeftel

On the rate of convergence for the mean field approximation of many-body quantum dynamics

by Zied Ammari  Marco Falconi  Boris Pawilowski

The algebraic structure of quantum partial isometries

by Teodor Banica

Large deviations and mixing for dissipative PDE's with unbounded random kicks

by Vojkan Jaksic  Vahagn Nersesyan  Claude-Alain Pillet  Armen Shirikyan

On the nonexistence of pure multi-solitons for the quartic gKdV equation

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Construction of Hadamard states by characteristic Cauchy problem

by Christian Gérard  Michał Wrochna

Resonances in the Two-Centers Coulomb Systems

by Marcello Seri  Andreas Knauf  Mirko Degli Esposti  Thierry Jecko

Integrated simulation approach for laser-driven fast ignition

by W. -M. Wang  P. Gibbon  Z. -M. Sheng  Y. -T. Li

Landauer-Büttiker and Thouless conductance

by Laurent Bruneau  Vojkan Jaksic  Yoram Last  Claude-Alain Pillet

Classical phase space and Hadamard states in the BRST formalism for gauge field theories on curved spacetime

by Michał Wrochna  Jochen Zahn

Type II blow up manifolds for the energy supercritical wave equation

by Charles Collot

Type II blow up for the energy supercritical NLS

by Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael  Igor Rodnianski

Uniform Lipschitz Estimates in Bumpy Half-Spaces

by Carlos Kenig  Christophe Prange

Ergodicity and dynamical localization for Delone-Anderson operators

by François Germinet  Peter Müller  Constanza Rojas-Molina

Truncation and duality results for Hopf image algebras

by Teodor Banica

Hadamard states for the linearized Yang-Mills equation on curved spacetime

by Christian Gérard  Michal Wrochna

The glow of Fourier matrices: universality and fluctuations

by Teodor Banica

Mean field limit for Bosons with compact kernels interactions by Wigner measures transportation

by Boris Pawilowski  Quentin Liard

Random walk questions for linear quantum groups

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon

Solutions of the focusing nonradial critical wave equation with the compactness property

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos E. Kenig  Frank Merle

Algebraic invariants of truncated Fourier matrices

by Teo Banica

Approximate controllability of the viscous Burgers equation on the real line

by Armen Shirikyan

Mixing properties of the one-atom maser

by Laurent Bruneau

On the ergodic theory of free group actions by real-analytic circle diffeomorphisms

by Bertrand Deroin  Victor Kleptsyn  Andrés Navas

Large deviations and Gallavotti-Cohen principle for dissipative PDE's with rough noise

by Vojkan Jaksic  Vahagn Nersesyan  Claude-Alain Pillet  Armen Shirikyan

Counting results for thin Butson matrices

by Teo Banica

Dominating surface group representations by Fuchsian ones

by Bertrand Deroin  Nicolas Tholozan

Profiles for bounded solutions of dispersive equations, with applications to energy-critical wave and Schrödinger equations

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos E. Kenig  Frank Merle

Quantum invariants of deformed Fourier matrices

by Teo Banica  Julien Bichon

The Gale-Berlekamp game for complex Hadamard matrices

by Teodor Banica

On the stability of the notion of non-characteristic point and blow-up profile for semilinear wave equations

by Frank Merle  Hatem Zaag

Dynamics near explicit stationary solutions in similarity variables for solutions of a semilinear wave equation in higher dimensions

by Frank Merle  Hatem Zaag

Continuous and holomorphic functions with values in closed operators

by Jan Dereziński  Michał Wrochna

Complex projective structures: Lyapunov exponent, degree and harmonic measure

by Bertrand Deroin  Romain Dujardin

Quiver Schur algebras and Koszul duality

by Ruslan Maksimau

Regularity questions for complex Hadamard matrices

by Teodor Banica  Lorenzo Pittau

The Gale-Berlekamp game for Hadamard matrices

by Teodor Banica

Categorifications and cyclotomic rational double affine Hecke algebras

by Raphael Rouquier  Peng Shan  Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

Borel summation of the semi-classical expansion of the partition function associated to the Schrödinger equation

by Thierry Harge

Repeated interactions in open quantum systems

by Laurent Bruneau  Alain Joye  Marco Merkli

Lyapunov exponents for surface groups representations

by Bertrand Deroin  Romain Dujardin

Well-posedness of the Stokes-Coriolis system in the half-space over a rough surface

by Anne-Laure Dalibard  Christophe Prange

Quantum ergodicity on large regular graphs

by Nalini Anantharaman  Etienne Le Masson

On the mathematical treatment of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation

by Thierry Jecko

Pseudo-differential calculus on homogeneous trees

by Etienne Le Masson

First order deformations of the Fourier matrix

by Teodor Banica

The Anderson model with missing sites

by Constanza Rojas-Molina

Some remarks on the complex heat kernel in the scalar potential case

by Thierry Harge

A deformation formula for the heat kernel

by Thierry Harge

Borel summation of the small time expansion of the heat kernel with a vector potential

by Thierry Harge

Borel summation of the small time expansion of the heat kernel. The scalar potential case

by Thierry Harge

Canonical basis, KLR-algebras and parity sheaves

by Ruslan Maksimau

Numerical study of the local contractivity of the $Φ_0^4$ mapping

by Marietta Manolessou  Sofiane Tafat

Local contractivity of the $Φ_0^4$ mapping

by Marietta Manolessou

Analytic aspects of the circulant Hadamard conjecture

by Teodor Banica  Ion Nechita  Jean-Marc Schlenker

Large deviations from a stationary measure for a class of dissipative PDE's with random kicks

by Vojkan Jaksic  Vahagn Nersesyan  Claude-Alain Pillet  Armen Shirikyan

Local feedback stabilisation to a non-stationary solution for a damped non-linear wave equation

by Kaïs Ammari  Thomas Duyckaerts  Armen Shirikyan

Almost Hadamard matrices: the case of arbitrary exponents

by Teodor Banica  Ion Nechita

On-shell extension of distributions

by Dorothea Bahns  Michał Wrochna

The defect of generalized Fourier matrices

by Teodor Banica

Blow up for the critical gKdV equation III: exotic regimes

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael

Exponential attractors for random dynamical systems and applications

by Armen Shirikyan  Sergey Zelik

Scattering for radial, bounded solutions of focusing supercritical wave equations

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

The oriented graph of multi-graftings in the Fuchsian case

by Gabriel Calsamiglia  Bertrand Deroin  Stefano Francaviglia

Asymptotic analysis of boundary layer correctors in periodic homogenization

by Christophe Prange

Blow up for the critical gKdV equation I: dynamics near the soliton

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael

Blow up for the critical gKdV equation II: minimal mass dynamics

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael

Classification of radial solutions of the focusing, energy-critical wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

Topology and dynamics of Levi-flats in surfaces of general type

by Bertrand Deroin  Christophe Dupont

Branched projective structures with quasi-Fuchsian holonomy

by Gabriel Calsamiglia  Bertrand Deroin  Stefano Francaviglia

On collapsing ring blow up solutions to the mass supercritical NLS

by Frank Merle  Pierre Raphaël  Jeremie Szeftel

Almost Hadamard matrices: general theory and examples

by Teodor Banica  Ion Nechita  Karol Zyczkowski

Approach to equilibrium for the stochastic NLS

by J. L. Lebowitz  Ph. Mounaix  W. -M. Wang

Non-Lipshitz flow of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on surfaces

by W. -M. Wang

Profiles of bounded radial solutions of the focusing, energy-critical wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

Block-modified Wishart matrices and free Poisson laws

by Teodor Banica  Ion Nechita

A corrector theory for diffusion-homogenization limits of linear transport equations

by Guillaume Bal  Naoufel Ben Abdallah  Marjolaine Puel

Quantum isometries and group dual subgroups

by Teodor Banica  Jyotishman Bhowmick  Kenny De Commer

Landauer-Büttiker formula and Schrödinger conjecture

by Laurent Bruneau  Vojkan Jaksic  Claude-Alain Pillet

Idempotent states and the inner linearity property

by Teodor Banica  Uwe Franz  Adam Skalski

First-order expansion for the Dirichlet eigenvalues of an elliptic system with oscillating coefficients

by Christophe Prange

Characterization of the Anderson metal-insulator transition for non ergodic operators and application

by Constanza Rojas-Molina

Control and mixing for 2D Navier-Stokes equations with space-time localised noise

by Armen Shirikyan

Quantum symmetry groups of C*-algebras equipped with orthogonal filtrations

by Teodor Banica  Adam Skalski

Noncommutative homogeneous spaces: the matrix case

by Teodor Banica  Adam Skalski  Piotr Soltan

Quantum permutations, Hadamard matrices, and the search for matrix models

by Teodor Banica

Quantum field theory in static external potentials and Hadamard states

by Michał Wrochna

Koszul duality of affine Kac-Moody algebras and cyclotomic rational DAHA

by Peng Shan  Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

A maximality result for orthogonal quantum groups

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon  Benoit Collins  Stephen Curran

Blow up dynamics for smooth equivariant solutions to the energy critical Schrödinger map

by Frank Merle  Pierre Raphaël  Igor Rodnianski

Asymptotic eigenvalue distributions of block-transposed Wishart matrices

by Teodor Banica  Ion Nechita

Convergence to a propagating front in a degenerate Fisher-KPP equation with advection

by Matthieu Alfaro  Elisabeth Logak

Finite quantum groups and quantum permutation groups

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon  Sonia Natale

The Poisson boundary of a locally discrete group of diffeomorphisms of the circle

by Bertrand Deroin

Asymptotic analysis for fourth order Paneitz equations with critical growth

by Emmanuel Hebey  Frédéric Robert

Feuilletage de Hirsch, mesure harmonique, et g-mesure

by Bertrand Deroin  Constantin Vernicos

The group of almost-periodic homeomorphisms of the real line

by Bertrand Deroin

Blow up dynamics for smooth data equivariant solutions to the energy critical Schrodinger map problem

by Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael  Igor Rodnianski

Quasi-periodic solutions for nonlinear wave equations (announcement)

by Wei-Min Wang

Static Klein-Gordon-Maxwell-Proca systems in 4-dimensional closed manifolds

by Emmanuel Hebey  Trong Tuong Truong

Existence and a priori bounds for electrostatic Klein-Gordon-Maxwell systems in fully inhomogeneous spaces

by Olivier Druet  Emmanuel Hebey

Scattering induced current in a tight-binding band

by Laurent Bruneau  Stephan De Bievre  Claude-Alain Pillet

Weighted Mourre's commutator theory, application to Schrödinger operators with oscillating potential

by Sylvain Golenia  Thierry Jecko

Quantum isometry groups of duals of free powers of cyclic groups

by Teodor Banica  Adam Skalski

Combinatorial aspects of orthogonal group integrals

by Teodor Banica  Jean-Marc Schlenker

Random walks, Kleinian groups, and bifurcation currents

by Bertrand Deroin  Romain Dujardin

The instability of Bourgain-Wang solutions for the L^2 critical NLS

by Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael  Jeremie Szeftel

Two-parameter families of quantum symmetry groups

by Teodor Banica  Adam Skalski

Decomposition results for Gram matrix determinants

by Teodor Banica  Stephen Curran

Eigenfunction localization for the 2D periodic Schrödinger operator

by Wei-Min Wang

Spectral Methods in PDE

by Wei-Min Wang

Exactly solvable Schrödinger operators

by Jan Dereziński  Michał Wrochna

Dynamical mobility edge for various random Landau Hamiltonians

by François Germinet  Constanza Rojas-Molina

Maximizers for the Strichartz norm for small solutions of mass-critical NLS

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Frank Merle  Svetlana Roudenko

Supercritical Nonlinear Schrödinger equations: Quasi-Periodic Solutions

by W. -M. Wang

Supercritical Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations II: Almost Global Existence

by W. -M. Wang

Singular sets of holonomy maps for algebraic foliations

by Gabriel Calsamiglia  Bertrand Deroin  Sidney Frankel  Adolfo Guillot

Weber-Schafheitlin integrals with arbitrary exponent

by Michał Wrochna

The singular limit of a haptotaxis model with bistable growth

by Elisabeth Logak  Chao Wang

Local times for solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation and the inviscid limit

by Armen Shirikyan

Universality of the blow-up profile for small type II blow-up solutions of energy-critical wave equation: the non-radial case

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

Quantum automorphisms of twisted group algebras and free hypergeometric laws

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon  Stephen Curran

Internal exponential stabilization to a non-stationary solution for 3D Navier-Stokes equations

by Viorel Barbu  Sergio S. Rodrigues  Armen Shirikyan

Canonical bases and affine Hecke algebras of type D

by Peng Shan  Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

On a hyperbolic coefficient inverse problem via partial dynamic boundary measurements

by C. Daveau  A. Khelifi

Reconstruction of closely spaced small inhomogeneities via boundary measurements for the full time-dependent Maxwell's equations

by C. Daveau  A. Khelifi

Homogeneous Schrödinger operators on half-line

by Laurent Bruneau  Jan Derezinski  Vladimir Georgescu

Double affine Hecke algebras and affine flag manifolds, I

by Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

Canonical bases and affine Hecke algebras of type B

by Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

The planar algebra of a fixed point subfactor

by Teodor Banica

Inelastic interaction of nearly equal solitons for the BBM equation

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Inelastic interaction of nearly equal solitons for the quartic gKdV equation

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Universality of blow-up profile for small radial type II blow-up solutions of energy-critical wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Carlos Kenig  Frank Merle

On polynomial integrals over the orthogonal group

by Teodor Banica  Benoit Collins  Jean-Marc Schlenker

Stochastic aspects of easy quantum groups

by Teodor Banica  Stephen Curran  Roland Speicher

Stable self similar blow up dynamics for slightly L^2 supercritical NLS equations

by Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael  Jeremie Szeftel

Quasi-periodic solutions of the Schrödinger equation with arbitrary algebraic nonlinearities

by Wei-Min Wang

De Finetti theorems for easy quantum groups

by Teodor Banica  Stephen Curran  Roland Speicher

The orthogonal Weingarten formula in compact form

by Teodor Banica

Classification results for easy quantum groups

by T. Banica  S. Curran  R. Speicher

Quantum isometries and noncommutative spheres

by Teodor Banica  Debashish Goswami

Repeated and continuous interactions in open quantum systems

by Laurent Bruneau  Alain Joye  Marco Merkli

Construction of multi-soliton solutions for the L2-supercritical gKdV and NLS equations

by Raphael Cote  Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

A new proof of the analyticity of the electronic density of molecules

by Thierry Jecko

Martin boundary of a killed random walk on a quadrant

by Irina Ignatiouk-Robert  Christophe Loree

Mass conserved Allen-Cahn equation and volume preserving mean curvature flow

by Xinfu Chen  Danielle Hilhorst  Elisabeth Logak

Invariants of the half-liberated orthogonal group

by Teodor Banica  Roland Vergnioux

Integrals of products of Hermite functions

by Wei-Min Wang

On orthogonal matrices maximizing the 1-norm

by Teodor Banica  Benoit Collins  Jean-Marc Schlenker

Representations of quantum permutation algebras

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon  Jean-Marc Schlenker

Degenerated codimension 1 crossings and resolvent estimates

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer  Thierry Jecko

Cyclotomic double affine Hecke algebras and affine parabolic category O, I

by M. Varagnolo  E. Vasserot

Nondispersive radial solutions to energy supercritical non-linear wave equations, with applications

by Carlos E. Kenig  Frank Merle

Bounds on Sobolev norms for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation on general tori

by F. Catoire  W. -M. Wang

Liberation of orthogonal Lie groups

by Teodor Banica  Roland Speicher

Hopf images and inner faithful representations

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon

Scattering norm estimate near the threshold for energy-critical focusing semilinear wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Frank Merle

On the question of ergodicity for minimal group actions on the circle

by Bertrand Deroin  Victor Kleptsyn  Andrés Navas

Fusion rules for quantum reflection groups

by Teodor Banica  Roland Vergnioux

Quasi-periodic solutions of nonlinear random Schrödinger equations

by J. Bourgain  W. -M. Wang

Logarithmic bounds on Sobolev norms for time-dependent linear Schrödinger equations

by W. -M. Wang

Bounded Sobolev Norms for Linear Schrödinger Equations Under Resonant Perturbations

by W. -M. Wang

Pure Point Spectrum of the Floquet Hamiltonian for the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator Under Time Quasi- Periodic Perturbations

by W. -M. Wang

Long time Anderson localization for nonlinear random Schroedinger equation

by W. -M. Wang  Zhifei Zhang

Identifying of the refractive index for the acoustic equation at fixed frequency

by Christian Daveau  Abdessatar Khelifi  Anton Sushchenko

On the singularity of random matrices with independent entries

by Laurent Bruneau  Francois Germinet

Cyclotomic expansion of exceptional spectral measures

by Teodor Banica

Scattering for H^1/2 bounded solutions to the cubic, defocusing NLS in 3 dimensions

by Carlos E. Kenig  Frank Merle

Dynamic of threshold solutions for energy-critical NLS

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Frank Merle

Dynamic of threshold solutions for energy-critical wave equation

by Thomas Duyckaerts  Frank Merle

Free Bessel laws

by Teodor Banica  Serban Belinschi  Mireille Capitaine  Benoit Collins

Random repeated interaction quantum systems

by Laurent Bruneau  Alain Joye  Marco Merkli

A note on free quantum groups

by Teodor Banica

Scattering below critical energy for the radial 4D Yang-Mills equation and for the 2D corotational wave map system

by Raphael Cote  Carlos E. Kenig  Frank Merle

Stability of two soliton collision for nonintegrable gKdV equations

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Description of two soliton collision for the quartic gKdV equation

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Euler equations are not exactly controllable by a finite-dimensional external force

by Armen Shirikyan

On Hadamard matrices at roots of unity

by Teodor Banica  Jean-Marc Schlenker

Refined asymptotics around solitons for gKdV equations

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Asymptotic stability of solitons of the gKdV equations with general nonlinearity

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Recovery of small electromagnetic inhomogeneities from boundary measurements in time-dependent Maxwell's equations

by Christian Daveau  Abdessatar Khelifi

On the perturbation of the electromagnetic energy due to the presence of inhomogeneities with small diameters

by Christian Daveau  Abdessatar Khelifi

Infinite Products of Random Matrices and Repeated Interaction Dynamics

by Laurent Bruneau  Alain Joye  Marco Merkli

Quantum groups acting on 4 points

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon

A variational analysis of Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equations on compact Riemannian manifolds

by Emmanuel Hebey  Frank Pacard  Daniel Pollack

Semiclassical resolvent estimates for Schroedinger operators with Coulomb singularities

by Francois Castella  Thierry Jecko  Andreas Knauf

The hyperoctahedral quantum group

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon  Benoit Collins

Quantum permutation groups: a survey

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon  Benoit Collins

Growth estimates for discrete quantum groups

by Teodor Banica  Roland Vergnioux

Global well-posedness, scattering and blow-up for the energy critical focusing non-linear wave equation

by Carlos E. Kenig  Frank Merle

Quantum groups and Hadamard matrices

by Teodor Banica  Remus Nicoara

Global well-posedness, scattering and blow-up for the energy-critical, focusing, non-linear Schrodinger equation in the radial case

by Carlos E. Kenig  Frank Merle

Integration over the Pauli quantum group

by Teodor Banica  Benoit Collins

A new look at Mourre's commutator theory

by Sylvain Golénia  Thierry Jecko

Integration over quantum permutation groups

by Teodor Banica  Benoit Collins

Blow up of the critical norm for some radial L^2 super critical nonlinear Schrodinger equations

by Frank Merle  Pierre Raphael

Graphs having no quantum symmetry

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon  Gaetan Chenevier

Double affine Hecke algebras at roots of unity

by M. Varagnolo  E. Vasserot

Spectral measures of small index principal graphs

by Teodor Banica  Dietmar Bisch

On finite-dimensional projections of distributions for solutions of randomly forced PDE's

by Andrei Agrachev  Sergei Kuksin  Andrey Sarychev  Armen Shirikyan

Quantum automorphism groups of vertex-transitive graphs of order $\leq 11$

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon

Exact controllability in projections for three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations

by Armen Shirikyan

Bogoliubov Hamiltonians and one parameter groups of Bogoliubov transformations

by L. Bruneau  J. Derezinski

Integration over compact quantum groups

by Teodor Banica  Benoit Collins

Asymptotics of repeated interaction quantum systems

by Laurent Bruneau  Alain Joye  Marco Merkli

On the polar decomposition of circular variables

by Teodor Banica

Stability and Perturbations of the Domain for the First Eigenvalue of the 1-Laplacian

by Emmanuel Hebey  Nicolas Saintier

Sharp Sobolev Inequalities for Vector Valued Maps

by Emmanuel Hebey

Critical Elliptic Systems in Potential Form

by Emmanuel Hebey

Localizations at infinity and essential spectrum of quantum Hamiltonians: I. General theory

by Vladimir Georgescu  Andrei Iftimovici

Random conformal dynamical systems

by Bertrand Deroin  Victor Kleptsyn

Sur la dynamique unidimensionnelle en régularité intermédiaire

by Bertrand Deroin  Victor Kleptsyn  Andres Navas

Free product formulae for quantum permutation groups

by Teodor Banica  Julien Bichon

Surfaces branchées et solénoïdes $ε$-holomorphes

by Bertrand Deroin

On the structure of quantum permutation groups

by Teodor Banica  Sergiu Moroianu

Laminations dans les espaces projectifs complexes

by Bertrand Deroin

Non rigidity of hyperbolic laminations

by Bertrand Deroin

Stability of blow-up profile and lower bounds for blow-up rate for the critical generalized KdV equation

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle

Quantum automorphism groups of homogeneous graphs

by Teodor Banica

From double affine Hecke algebras to quantized affine Schur algebras

by Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

The ground state problem for a quantum Hamiltonian model describing friction

by L. Bruneau

Quantum automorphism groups of small metric spaces

by Teodor Banica

Periodic modules and quantum groups

by Michela Varagnolo

Anderson Localization for Time Quasi Periodic Random Schödinger and Wave Operators

by Jean Bourgain  Wei-Min Wang

Anderson Localization for Time Periodic Random Schrödinger operators

by Avy Soffer  Wei-Min Wang

The planar algebra of a coaction

by Teodor Banica

Fourth order equations of critical Sobolev growth. Energy function and solutions of bounded energy in the conformally flat case

by Veronica Felli  Emmanuel Hebey  Frederic Robert

Stability and asymptotic stability in the energy space of the sum of N solitons for subcritical gKdV equations

by Yvan Martel  Frank Merle  Tai-Peng Tsai

Perverse sheaves and quantum Grothendieck rings

by Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

Quantum groups and Fuss-Catalan algebras

by Teodor Banica

Standard modules of quantum affine algebras

by Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

Quiver Varieties and Yangians

by Michela Varagnolo

Compact Kac algebras and commuting squares

by Teodor Banica

On the K-theory of the cyclic quiver variety

by Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

The free unitary compact quantum group

by Teodor Banica

Symmetries of a generic coaction

by Teodor Banica

Fusion rules for representations of compact quantum groups

by Teodor Banica

The representation theory of free orthogonal quantum groups

by Teodor Banica

Subfactors associated to compact Kac algebras

by Teodor Banica

Hopf algebras and subfactors associated to vertex models

by Teodor Banica

Representations of compact quantum groups and subfactors

by Teodor Banica

On the decomposition matrices of the quantized Schur algebra

by Michela Varagnolo  Eric Vasserot

A Littlewood-Richardson filtration at roots of 1 for multiparameter deformations of skew Schur modules.

by G. Boffi  M. Varagnolo

Multiparameter quantum function algebra at roots of 1

by M. Costantini  M. Varagnolo

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